Unnamed Password Manager
This is a password manager. Keep your passwords safe. :>
- Fully local storage
- Symmetric AES encryption
- Multiple users
- Cross platform
- Web ui
Why use Unnamed Password Manager (UNPM)
Before UNPM
"Never use common password" - A wise person
flowchart LR
vw[Visit Website]
--> s[Sign up using unique password]
--> fp["Forgot Password 😭"]
vw[Visit Website]
--> sa[Sign up with common password]
--> gh[Get all your accounts hacked]
After UNPM
flowchart LR
vw[Visit Website]
--> s[Sign up using unique password]
--> sp[Save password safely in UNPM]
vwa[Visit Website again]
--> gp[Get password using our web-app]
--> l[Login]
How to Backup?
- Check where AppData is standard stored if your OS is not mentioned here.
- Linux:
- Backup the file at the location "~/.local/share/Unnamed_Password_Manager/<USERNAME>"
- Paste it in the same location or follow the directions for the OS.
Dev docs
Rest API
Do NOT use this api for ANY reason EXCEPT if usage is ONLY local, i.e.,
this api is NOT built for usage over an external network and doing so
Server throws 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED if the url is mistyped
actor User
box App
participant Frontend
participant Backend
Note over User, Backend : LOGIN
User -->> Frontend : Wants to login
Frontend -->> Backend : { user_name : "...", password : "..." } to /login
Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
Backend -->> Frontend : user_name / password not given : http 400
Backend -->> User : user_name / password is wrong : http 403
Note over User, Backend : LOGOUT
User -->> Frontend : Wants to logout
Frontend -->> Backend : /logout
Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
Note over User, Backend : ADD USER
User -->> Frontend : Wants to add user
Frontend -->> Backend : { user_name : "...", password : "..." } to /add_user
Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
Backend -->> Frontend : user_name / password not given : http 400
Backend -->> User : user_name is taken : http 403
Note over User, Backend : GET DATA
User -->> Frontend : field/ entry, etc.
Frontend -->> Backend : /get_data
Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
Note over User, Backend : CHANGE PASSWORD
User -->> Frontend : Wants to change password
Frontend -->> Backend : { password : "..." } to /change_password
Backend -->> Frontend : password not given : http 400
Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
Note over User, Backend : ADD ENTRY
User -->> Frontend : Wants to add entry
Frontend -->> Backend : entry data to /add_entry
Note over Frontend, Backend : entry data is { entry_name : "...", fields : "..." }
Note over Frontend, Backend : fields should be string({ field1 : "...", field2 : "...", ... })
Backend -->> Frontend : Entry data is not correct : http 400
Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
Note over User, Backend : DELETE ENTRY
User -->> Frontend : Wants to delete entry
Frontend -->> Backend : { entry_name : "..." } to /delete_entry
Backend -->> Frontend : entry_name not given : http 400
Backend -->> User : Not logged in or entry_name does not exist : http 403
Note over User, Backend : EDIT ENTRY NAME
User -->> Frontend : Wants to change entry name
Frontend -->> Backend : { old_entry_name : "...", new_entry_name : "..." }
Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
Backend -->> Frontend : old or new entry names not given : http 400
Backend -->> User : Old user name doesn't exist or the new one already exists