Do NOT use this api for ANY reason EXCEPT if usage is ONLY local, i.e.,
        this api is NOT built for usage over an external network and doing so

Note:- Server throws 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED if the url is mistyped

            If login is used when another user is logged in,
            the original user is automatically logged out.

    URL:- /login
    Method:- POST
    Data Type:- Form Data
    Data content:- {
            user_name: "<user name>",
            password: "<password>"

        200 OK:-
            Data:- No
            Note:- Assume login completed.
        400 Bad Request:-
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- user_name or password not given a Form Data.
            Data:- What is missing will be mentioned.
        403 Forbidden:-
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- user_name or password is wrong, can display the response data to user.
            Data:- What is wrong will be mentioned, text that can be displayed on the screen.

        formData = new FormData()
        formData.append('user_name', 'John')
        formData.append('password', 'John123')
                body: formData,
                method: "post"
        This will give a response status 200 with no data if login is done.
        This will return a 403 if the user gave wrong name or password.

    URL:- /logout
    Method:- POST
    Data:- None

        200 OK:-
            Data:- No
            Note:- Assume Success.
        403 Forbidden:-
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- User is not logged in.
            Data:- What is wrong will be mentioned.
                This text that can be displayed on the screen.

Add User:-
    URL:- /add_user
    Method:- POST
    Data Type:- Form Data
    Data content:- {
            user_name: "<user name>",
            password: "<password>"
    Note:- Does not login the user

        200 OK:-
            Data:- No
            Note:- Assume success.
        400 Bad Request:-
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- user_name or password not given a Form Data.
            Data:- What is missing will be mentioned.
        403 Forbidden:-
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- user_name exists, can display the response data to user.
            Data:- What is wrong will be mentioned.
                This text that can be displayed on the screen.

        formData = new FormData()
        formData.append('user_name', 'John')
        formData.append('password', 'John123')
                body: formData,
                method: "post"
        This will give a response status 200 with no data if a user is added.
        This will return a 403 if the user gave a existing name.

Get Data:-
    URL:- /get_data
    Method:- POST
    Data:- None
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- {
                    entry_name: {
                        field_name: field_value
            Content Type:- text/json
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Note:- Not logged in

    Example Response:-
            "Amazon": {
                "Username": "Kosh",
                "Password": "Pass1234"
            "Matrix": {
                "Username": "Kosh",
                "Email": "kosh@fake.com",
                "id": "@kosh:matrix.com"

Change Password:-
    URL:- /change_password
    Method:- POST
    Data:- New Password
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- password not given. :<
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in

Add entry:-
    URL:- /add_entry
    Method:- POST
    Data:- {
        entry_name: "<entry_name>",
        fields: {
            field_name1: "<field_value1>",
            field_name2: "<field_value2>",
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- entry_name or fields not given or fields cannot be converted to json
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or entry_name already exists
        formData = new FormData()
        formData.append('entry_name', 'Amazon')
                "User Name": "Kosh",
                password: "1234"
                body: formData,
                method: "post"
        This will give a response status 200 with no data if the data is entered.
        This will return a 403 if the user is not logged in or entry_name already exists.

Delete Entry:-
    URL:- /delete_entry
    Method:- POST
    Data:- entry_name
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- entry_name not given
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or entry_name does not exist

Edit Entry Name:-
    URL:- /edit_entry_name
    Method:- POST
    Data:- old_entry_name, new_entry_name
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- old_entry_name or new_entry_name not given
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or old_entry_name does not exist or new_entry_name exists

Add Field:-
    URL:- /add_field
    Method:- POST
    Data:- entry_name, field_name, field_value
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- entry_name, field_name or field_value are
            not given or fields cannot be converted to json
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or field_name already exists or entry_name does not exist

Edit Field Name:-
    URL:- /edit_field_name
    Method:- POST
    Data:- entry_name, old_field_name, new_field_name
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- old_field_name or new_field_name not given
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or old_field_name does not exist or new_field_name exists

Edit Field Value:-
    URL:- /edit_field_value
    Method:- POST
    Data:- entry_name, field_name, field_value
    Prerequisites:- Login

        200 OK:-
            Data:- None
            Note:- Assume success
        400 Bad Request:-
            Data:- Error text
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- entry_name, field_name or field_value not given
        403 Forbidden:-
            Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user
            Content Type:- text/plain
            Note:- Not logged in or field_name does not exist