_____________________ Login:- URL:- /login Method:- POST Data Type:- Form Data Data content:- { user_name: "", password: "" } Response:- 200 OK:- Data:- No Note:- Assume login completed. 400 Bad Request:- Content Type:- text/plain Note:- user_name or password not given a Form Data. Data:- What is missing will be mentioned. 403 Forbidden:- Content Type:- text/plain Note:- user_name or password is wrong, can display the response data to user. Data:- What is wrong will be mentioned, text that can be displayed on the screen. Example:- formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', 'John'); formData.append('password', 'John123'); fetch( "/login", { body: formData, method: "post" } ); This will give a response status 200 with no data if login is done. This will return a 403 if the user gave wrong name or password. _____________________ _____________________ Add User:- URL:- /add_user Method:- POST Data Type:- Form Data Data content:- { user_name: "", password: "" } Response:- 200 OK:- Data:- No Note:- Assume success. 400 Bad Request:- Content Type:- text/plain Note:- user_name or password not given a Form Data. Data:- What is missing will be mentioned. 403 Forbidden:- Content Type:- text/plain Note:- user_name is exists, can display the response data to user. Data:- Text that can be displayed on the screen. Example:- formData = new FormData(); formData.append('name', 'John'); formData.append('password', 'John123'); fetch( "/login", { body: formData, method: "post" } ); This will give a response status 200 with no data if login is done. This will return a 403 if the user gave wrong name or password. _____________________ _____________________ Get Data:- URL:- /get_data Method:- POST Data:- None Response:- 200 OK:- Data:- All user data Note:- data:- { entry_name: { field_name: field_value } } 403 Forbidden:- Data:- Text that can be directly displayed to the user Note:- Not logged in Example:- { "Amazon": { "Username": "Kosh", "Password": "Pass1234" }, "Matrix": { "Username": "Kosh", "Email": "kosh@fake.com", "id": "@kosh:matrix.com" } } _____________________