diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 78e8fab..d07b333 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,114 @@
# Unnamed Password Manager
\ No newline at end of file
+### Introduction
+This is a password manager. Keep your passwords safe. :>
+### Features:
+ - Fully local storage
+ - Symmetric AES encryption
+ - Multiple users
+ - Cross platform
+ - Web ui
+## Working
+Why use Unnamed Password Manager (UNPM)
+### Before UNPM
+"Never use common password"
+ - A wise person
+flowchart LR
+ vw[Visit Website]
+ --> s[Sign up using unique password]
+ --> fp["Forgot Password ðŸ˜"]
+ vw[Visit Website]
+ --> sa[Sign up with common password]
+ --> gh[Get all your accounts hacked]
+### After UNPM
+flowchart LR
+ vw[Visit Website]
+ --> s[Sign up using unique password]
+ --> sp[Save password safely in UNPM]
+ vwa[Visit Website again]
+ --> gp[Get password using our web-app]
+ --> l[Login]
+## FAQ
+#### How to Backup?
+ - Check where AppData is standard stored if your OS is not mentioned here.
+ - Linux:
+ - - Backup the file at the location "~/.local/share/Unnamed_Password_Manager/\"
+ - - Paste it in the same location or follow the directions for the OS.
+# Dev docs
+## Rest API
+##### WARNING:
+ Do NOT use this api for ANY reason EXCEPT if usage is ONLY local, i.e.,
+ this api is NOT built for usage over an external network and doing so
+###### Note:
+ Server throws 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED if the url is mistyped
+ autonumber
+ actor User
+ box App
+ participant Frontend
+ participant Backend
+ end
+ Note over User, Backend : LOGIN
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to login
+ Frontend -->> Backend : { user_name : "...", password : "..." } to /login
+ Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
+ Backend -->> Frontend : user_name / password not given : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : user_name / password is wrong : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : LOGOUT
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to logout
+ Frontend -->> Backend : /logout
+ Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
+ Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : ADD USER
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to add user
+ Frontend -->> Backend : { user_name : "...", password : "..." } to /add_user
+ Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
+ Backend -->> Frontend : user_name / password not given : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : user_name is taken : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : GET DATA
+ User -->> Frontend : field/ entry, etc.
+ Frontend -->> Backend : /get_data
+ Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : CHANGE PASSWORD
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to change password
+ Frontend -->> Backend : { password : "..." } to /change_password
+ Backend -->> Frontend : password not given : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : ADD ENTRY
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to add entry
+ Frontend -->> Backend : entry data to /add_entry
+ Note over Frontend, Backend : entry data is { entry_name : "...", fields : "..." }
+ Note over Frontend, Backend : fields should be string({ field1 : "...", field2 : "...", ... })
+ Backend -->> Frontend : Entry data is not correct : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : Not logged in : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : DELETE ENTRY
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to delete entry
+ Frontend -->> Backend : { entry_name : "..." } to /delete_entry
+ Backend -->> Frontend : entry_name not given : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : Not logged in or entry_name does not exist : http 403
+ Note over User, Backend : EDIT ENTRY NAME
+ User -->> Frontend : Wants to change entry name
+ Frontend -->> Backend : { old_entry_name : "...", new_entry_name : "..." }
+ Backend -->> Frontend : Success : http 200
+ Backend -->> Frontend : old or new entry names not given : http 400
+ Backend -->> User : Old user name doesn't exist or the new one already exists