Hacking on zsh-syntax-highlighting itself

This document includes information for people working on z-sy-h itself: on the
core driver (`zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh`), on the highlighters in the
distribution, and on the test suite.  It does not target third-party
highlighter authors (although they may find it an interesting read).

The `main` highlighter

The following function `pz` is useful when working on the `main` highlighting:

pq() {
  (( $#argv )) || return 0
  print -r -l -- ${(qqqq)argv}
pz() {
  local arg
  for arg; do
    pq ${(z)arg}

It prints, for each argument, its token breakdown, similar to how the main
loop of the `main` highlighter sees it.

Testing the `brackets` highlighter

Since the test harness empties `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES` and the `brackets`
highlighter interrogates `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES` to determine how to highlight,
tests must set the `bracket-level-#` keys themselves.  For example:


BUFFER='echo ({x})'

  "6  6  bracket-level-1" # (
  "7  7  bracket-level-2" # {
  "9  9  bracket-level-2" # }
  "10 10 bracket-level-1" # )

Testing the `pattern` and `regexp` highlighters

Because the `pattern` and `regexp` highlighters modifies `region_highlight`
directly instead of using `_zsh_highlight_add_highlight`, the test harness
cannot get the `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES` keys.  Therefore, when writing tests, use
the style itself as third word (cf. the
[documentation for `expected_region_highlight`](docs/highlighters.md)).  For example:

ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_PATTERNS+=('rm -rf *' 'fg=white,bold,bg=red')

BUFFER='rm -rf /'

  "1 8 fg=white,bold,bg=red" # rm -rf /

Memos and commas

We append to `region_highlight` as follows:

region_highlight+=("$start $end $spec, memo=zsh-syntax-highlighting")

That comma is required to cause zsh 5.8 and older to ignore the memo without
ignoring the `$spec`.  It's a hack, but given that no further 5.8.x patch
releases are planned, it's been deemed acceptable.  See issue #418 and the
cross-referenced issues.


If you work on the driver (`zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh`), you may find the following zstyle useful:

zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:globbed-files' ignored-patterns {'*/',}zsh-syntax-highlighting.plugin.zsh

IRC channel

We're on #zsh-syntax-highlighting on Libera.Chat.